Want to relieve constipation or treat your body to natural antioxidants? Here’s a recipe to whip up some creamy, crunchy Cauliflower soup this Tuesday evening which is a healthy substitute for rice and flour and is sure to tickle your taste buds
While its magical “fat-burning” properties are yet to be proved, cauliflower is already known as a superfood courtesy its nutrient-rich content that includes vitamins B and C, fiber, high concentrations of antioxidants like carotenoids and glucosinolates. So without further ado, this Tuesday we are saying “bottoms up” to an excellent rice substitute – the Cauliflower Soup.
Want to relieve constipation or treat your body to natural oxidants? Try Cauliflower soup this Tuesday evening as a healthy substitute for rice and flour which also has several properties that may help with weight loss.
Check out the recipe of Cauliflower Soup here which is sure to tickle your taste buds:
1/2 kg of fresh cauliflower
1 medium onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, chopped
1 leek, chopped
1 potato (optional), cut in small cubes
1 lt of water
Salt and pepper to taste
Sautee the leeks, the garlic and the onions in the olive oil. Add the salt, stir and cook for 8 minutes. Then add the water and bring everything to boil and cook covered for 20 minutes.
Finally, blend in the food processor or blender and add the freshly grounded black pepper just before serving. You can garnish with some freshly chopped chives, green spring onions, chopped dill or basil leaves.
(Recipe: Instagram/claritasway)
Apart from vitamins C and K, cauliflower also has calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium. As additional benefits, the vegetable has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial effects which also means that including cauliflower in diet helps prevent cancer as it protects cells from damage.